RoboJackets FTC
(5th-8th Grades)
FTC Team Overview
What is FTC?
FIRST Tech Challenge teams build a tabletop sized robot to compete in an annual head-to-head game challenge.
RoboJackets FTC Teams
Teams build one robot to compete in the Avondale FIRST in Michigan FTC League
Teams compete in three league meet events and one league championship event
RoboJackets FTC Teams are composed of 4-6 youth in 5th-8th grades
RoboJackets FTC Team Leaders
A team leader is an adult that provides supervision at meetings and events, manages communication between team members and caregivers, and ensures that rosters and consent forms are completed for team members. Every RJ FTC Team must have a team leader. See the Quick Info for Prospective Team Leaders below.
Joining a RoboJackets FTC Team
Step 1: Complete the Interest/Waitlist form below. This form will populate a spreadsheet and help students match with teammates.
Team Formation
Step 2: Prospective team members and caregivers can support the team formation process by being active participants in coordinating their team! Options include...
Referencing the waitlist spreadsheet and reaching out to potential teammates
Recruiting friends to join a team, even if they have not joined the waitlist
Teams may be finalized when a group has identified four team members and at least one team leader.
Quick Info for Prospective Team Members
Where do teams meet?
Teams meet in the RJ FTC Build Rooms at Meadows - Rooms #200 (primary workspace) and #204 (overflow workspace).
How do team members get to and from meetings?
Afternoon (3:15-5:15p) Meeting Slots
GATE students may walk to the build rooms at dismissal
AMS students may walk to Meadows between dismissal and the start of meeting OR may get a ride from a caregiver
Auburn, Deerfield, Graham, and Woodland teams will not be scheduled in afternoon slots due to conflict with dismissal time
Team members from all buildings will need to secure transportation home from afternoon meeting slots.
Evening (5:30p-7:30p) Meeting Slots
Team members from all buildings will need to secure transportation to and from evening meeting slots.
What is the weekly schedule for teams? How often do teams meet?
Each team will select ONE primary meeting slot each week.
Meeting slots are every weekday from 3:15-5:15pm and from 5:30-7:30pm.
Teams that choose to add bonus time may select an additional evening slot OR take turns taking their kit and equipment home to work bewteen meetings
What is the fee to join?
There is no fee to join or be a team member. The RoboJackets K12 Foundation funds the experience for student team members. Donations from families are greatly appreciated and help sustain opportunities for all students.
Quick Info for Prospective Team Leaders
What does a team leader do?
Be present for team meetings
Provide supervision that ensures a safe and effective environment
Assist team members in maintaining cleanliness and organization of the build room
As needed, redirect behaviors that inhibit a safe or effective team environment
Manage and coordinate communication between team members, caregivers, and the RoboJackets program administrators
Join and be active in the RJ FTC volunteer slack workspace
Relay technical difficulties or challenges that team members are experiencing to the the team leader group
RJ FTC team members are not old enough to have messaging access themselves, so this connects them to technical support
Use a communication platform of your choice to be the conduit to caregivers of your team members to coordinate logistics and schedules
If needed, communicate behavior challenges and team member conflicts to RJ program administrators and/or caregivers of team members
Ensure rosters and consent forms are completed for team members
Ensure that the team roster in the FIRST Inspires and FIRST in Michigan systems are completed
Ensure that RJ youth information forms are completed and that RJ rosters are accurate
Complete requisite Youth Protection related tasks
Complete a background check for both ASD and FIRST
Complete digital fingerprinting and turn in form to ASD (The RoboJackets are willing to cover the cost)
Optional: Provide technical guidance to team members
If team leaders feel so inclined, they are welcome to provide technical guidance or assistance, but that is not an expectation or requirement. Team leaders will generally find themselves to be more capable than they might expect themselves to be, as success in competitive robotics is more driven by a general problem solving ability than by a specific engineering ability.
Who can be a team leader?
A team leader must be an adult that is willing to support a positive experience for youth team members. Adults can be caregivers (such as a parent of a team member), another relation (such as an elder sibling), or a community member that would like to volunteer.
RoboJackets FTC Equipment
RJK12 FTC teams will primarily use the Robits build system for FTC. All teams will have at least a core kit, from which they can use the starter robot design to quick start their experience, iterate on the starter robot to explore problem solving, or devise a design from the ground up to explore ideation and architecture.